The Sugar-free Miracle™ Diet Handbook


Get a proven solution
The Sugar-Free Miracle™ Diet Handbook delivers a long-term, permanent result.
It’s also practical, fast and affordable.

Out-of-control eating is a special problem that requires a special solution
– Low-fat and low-calorie diets make out-of-control eating worse, not better.
– Tiny portions make out-of-control eating worse, not better.
– Even small amounts of caloric sweeteners can lead to out-of-control eating.
Why deal with it?

It doesn’t get any easier!

Easy WayThe Sugar-Free Miracle™ Diet is an EASY eating program.
It’s EASY to understand.
It’s EASY to implement.
It’s EASY to sustain.
It’s EASY to lose weight.
And… It’s EASY to feel good about yourself.

Average-sized people typically lose about 8-10 pounds a month until a weight that’s proportional to height is reached.

Here’s what you’ll learn…

  • The seven simple Sugar-Free Miracle™ Diet rules that anyone can follow.
  • How to eat up to 4 pounds of food every day on your daily food budget.
  • Which artificial sweeteners are okay and how much of them to use.
  • Why high fat foods are desirable and why they should be eaten every day.
  • How veggie overdosing works and why to do it.
  • How to use the PUSH WEEK to breeze past plateaus or to accelerate weight loss.
  • Whether or not to drink any alcohol.
  • How to prepare 15 easy-peasy, filling snacks.
  • Learn how to select foods based on the Red-Yellow-Green system.
  • How to get organized and set up for success.
  • What to do when mistakes happen.
  • How to become a sugar detective.
  • How to get started with a 7-day meal plan that features familiar comfort foods.
  • How to eat out at any restaurant, any fast food place or at a friend’s house.

Go to and get it now!
Sugar Free Miracle Diet Handbook cover


Charlotte Brook-Signor
The Sugar-Free Miracle™ is a winner. It's a simple premise with a simple solution and path to losing weight...You have convinced me that sugar and processed foods are bad! The diet is reasonable, doable, and not overwhelming.

Yes! I want to stop binge eating and being out-of-control with food.
Yes! I want an easy weight loss program that doesn’t feel like a diet.
Yes! I want to conquer my cravings.
Yes! I want to shrink at least one body size per month.
Yes! I want to lose my belly fat and my thunder thighs.
Yes! I want to enjoy food by putting fat back into my diet.
Yes! I never want to be hungry with miniscule portions.
Yes! I want to be happy with the way I feel about myself and the way I treat my body.
Yes! I want to eat “normal” food that I can buy in a grocery store or find in a restaurant.
Yes! I want to learn how to eat in a practical way that I can sustain for a long time.
Yes! I want an affordable solution.
Yes! I want to start right away.


Sugar Detective

About Karen Bentley

Karen BentleyI'm the creator of The Sugar-Free Miracle™ Diet System, the founder of The Sugar-Free Institute, and an internationally-recognized sugar-free expert. I’ve been specializing in out-of-control food issues and sugar-free eating since 1998. Read More


Raving Fans

Kim H lost 55 pounds on the Sugar-Free Miracle™ diet. Kim H. after "It was easier to stay on it than I thought. I really didn''t have any cravings, and it was pretty easy. I don't cut fat out at all. I just incorporate it as I normally would do. You have to want to be good to yourself... Everyone can benefit from taking sugar out of their diet. It's a surprise how much food there is to eat on this program. I'm more productive throughout the day. I'm pleasant. I'm happier. I can see how it will be very easy to maintain" Read More